Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Studying abroad - Sweden!

May 23rd (the day before my birthday) my classmates and I are flying to Stockholm, Sweden. We will be there for 11 days studying the health care system in Sweden. We will meet with the Occupational therapy program at Sahlgrenska Institute in Gothenburg. We will get to meet the students and faculty, visit the clinics, community health programs, rehabilitation and activity centers. Also we will hear lectures on the Swedish health care system, the role of health professionals in promoting healthy aging, and other topics that will be decided later. I am very excited to be going and will post photos and journals from the trip when it happens. 

After the trip I will be traveling to Amsterdam and then Belgium. If anyone has ideas on what to do where to go around those areas let me know! 


  1. Dude that is awesome!!! I am so jealous!! One of my favorite book series, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, takes place (partly) at Sahlgrenska hospital!! Have an awesome trip!

  2. Thanks! I know I need to read those!!!! I am lagging on that. :)

  3. Having the opportunity to study abroad in sweden would just be awesome.
